Pursuant to Title 40 C.F.R. 7.90 Grievance Procedures, RATES has adopted procedures that assure the prompt and fair resolution of complaints which allege violation of this part. RATES will provide an outlet for employees’ frustrations at the workplace. RATES employees are required to utilize the grievance procedures listed below by submitting their disputes or complaints to RATES in a timely fashion.
OPEN DOOR POLICY: RATES has implemented an Open Door Policy with which any employee with a dispute or complaint, can come or call, email or text, their immediate supervisor for an informal discussion and attempt at resolution. If the employee is not satisfied, he/she should then write a formal complaint which their supervisor will be obligated to take to the next level of management. Once written and turned in, the employee’s complaint will be resolved within not more than one week.
CREDIBLE LISTENERS: If the Open Door Policy is not successful, or an employee does not feel comfortable talking to their supervisor, then that employee can contact one of three people who will be credible listeners that will provide an objective review of the employee’s grievance. Any disputes or complaints that employees might have will be written (or typed) and sent to either Amber La Fountain, who is our Business and Human Resources Manager. Alternatively, complaints can be sent to Jodi Lees who is our CFO, or Deanna LeVrier who is our Accounting Manager. These three RATES employees are currently learning about Human Resources and dispute resolution procedures and will be studying more about Dispute Resolution, reviewing complaints and making determinations as to what can be done to resolve an employee’s concerns.
ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION: There are firms that provide mediation and arbitration services to address employment related disputes. RATES will review their insurance policies to determine if our liability coverage covers dispute resolution costs. Otherwise RATES will purchase an endorsement if this alternative is desired by any employee with a dispute or complaint that is not resolved to their satisfaction through the Open Door Policy and/or the written complaint to RATES credible listeners.
OMBUDSPERSON: If RATES policies for internal grievance procedures are not successful in resolving an employee’s concerns, or an Alternative Dispute Resolution doesn’t provide the relief that an employee is seeking, RATES will forward the employee’s dispute or complaint to a neutral, unbiased person outside of the Company.
Please note that it is illegal for an employer (RATES) to retaliate against an employee who files a complaint either internally or externally.