Annual LRGV WQMP Conference
2022 will feature the 24th edition of the Annual Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV) Water Quality Management and Planning (WQMP) Conference, which focuses on research topics germane to South Texas and the U.S.-Mexico border region. A primary goal of the conference is to develop team-based and research-inspired programs to train and educate future engineers. The conference brings together representatives from academia, private industries, environmental groups, research communities and state and federal agencies to be a part of a team exchanging ideas concerning environmental and engineering issues impacting coastal and semi-arid regions and the Rio Grande Valley, and to share these ideas with the decision makers and stakeholders who influence the economic, social and physical infrastructure along the border region.

Training and Education Partnerships and Initiatives
RATES and collaborates with LTSTF partners on initiatives to incorporate REON-related activities into all levels of education. RATES collaborates with local school districts and with university faculty on proposals and projects built on the content previously developed for the SENSE IT project, enabling students to build and deploy their own custom-built environmental sensors via the REON cyberinfrastructure. Another initiative is the Water Training Institute (WTI), a continuing education program to address the national workforce shortage of qualified water/wastewater treatment plant operators.